Saturday, January 18, 2025

Client - Match Discounted Audit
URL: /api/v1/client/matchdiscounted/audit/get
Description: Fetch an existing Match Discounted Audit record based on Client Entity Identifier, Dow Jones Entity Identifier and Audit Date
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ClientEntityID Int32 Client Entity Identifier
Params EntityID Int32 Dow Jones Entity Identifier
Params TransactionDate Date Transaction Date (Audit Date)
Params AuditType Byte 1=Add; 2=Update; 3=Delete
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Match Discounted Audit record being fetched
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "EntityID": 170352,
 "EntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "EntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "EntityMiddleName": "SPIRIDONOVICH",
 "GeneratedDate": "2025-01-18 00:00:00",
 "MatchedDate": "2025-01-18 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "Relative or family member",
 "MatchDiscountCategoryID": 5,
 "MatchDiscountCategoryName": "Name does match but eliminated after investigation",
 "MetaDataDate": "23 Feb 1911",
 "MetaDataCountry": "Citizenship : Russia | Jurisdiction : Russia | Resident of : Russia",
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "Notify": true
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
 "ReportData": ""
 "AuditTypeID": 2,
 "AuditTranDate": "2019-09-06 17:51:36",
 "DateLastChanged": "2019-09-06 17:51:36",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 101
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityID Int 32
EntityFullName Text 255
EntityLastName Text 255
EntityFirstName Text 255
EntityMiddleName Text 255
GeneratedDate Date
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text 25,000
MatchDiscountCategoryID Int 16
MatchDiscountCategoryName Text 150
MetaDataDate Text 750
MetaDataCountry Text 750
ValidToDate Date
Notify Boolean
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
ReportData Base64 String
AuditTypeID Int 16
AuditTranDate Date
DateLastChanged Date
LastChangedByUserID Int 16
URL: /api/v1/client/matchdiscounted/audit/getall
Description: Fetch Match Discounted Audit records based on User Identifier and Date Range
Type Key DataType Notes
Headers api-key String Your Api-Key
Params UserID Int16 User Identifier
Params FromDate Date Audit Start Date
Params ToDate Date Audit End Date
Params BusinessUnitID Int32 Business Unit Identifier (optional - value defaulted to 10 if not provided)
Params ReturnFormat String Json or Xml
Return Data: Json or XML of Client Match Discounted Audit record being fetched
 "ClientEntityID": 1234,
 "ClientEntityInterfaceReference": "AB1234",
 "ClientEntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "ClientEntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "ClientEntityMiddleName": "",
 "EntityID": 170352,
 "EntityLastName": "PUTIN",
 "EntityFirstName": "VLADIMIR",
 "EntityMiddleName": "SPIRIDONOVICH",
 "GeneratedDate": "2025-01-18 00:00:00",
 "MatchedDate": "2025-01-18 00:00:00",
 "ActionDays": 0,
 "Reason": "Relative or family member",
 "MatchDiscountCategoryID": 5,
 "MatchDiscountCategoryName": "Name does match but eliminated after investigation",
 "MetaDataDate": "23 Feb 1911",
 "MetaDataCountry": "Citizenship : Russia | Jurisdiction : Russia | Resident of : Russia",
 "ValidToDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00",
 "Notify": true
 "HandledByUserGroupID": "203"
 "HandledByUserGroupName": "Handler Group"
 "HandledByUserID": "105"
 "HandledByUserName": "Fred Jones"
 "ReportData": ""
 "AuditTypeID": 2,
 "AuditTranDate": "2019-09-06 17:51:36",
 "DateLastChanged": "2019-09-06 17:51:36",
 "LastChangedByUserID": 101
Field Data Type
ClientEntityID Int 32
ClientEntityInterfaceReference Text 50
ClientEntityLastName Text 255
ClientEntityFirstName Text 255
ClientEntityMiddleName Text 255
EntityID Int 32
EntityFullName Text 255
EntityLastName Text 255
EntityFirstName Text 255
EntityMiddleName Text 255
GeneratedDate Date
MatchedDate Date
ActionDays Int 16
Reason Text 25,000
MatchDiscountCategoryID Int 16
MatchDiscountCategoryName Text 150
MetaDataDate Text 750
MetaDataCountry Text 750
ValidToDate Date
Notify Boolean
HandledByUserGroupID Int 16
HandledByUserGroupName Text 150
HandledByUserID Int 16
HandledByUserName Text 150
ReportData Base64 String
AuditTypeID Int 16
AuditTranDate Date
DateLastChanged Date
LastChangedByUserID Int 16